Retendo Project

Full control over all research projects

Retendo Project supports the entire project process, from the application, approval and funding to regular monitoring, reporting and completion. The project manager, manager and employees obtain an overview of research projects and are able to maintain an iron grip on where the projects are in the process and how well or badly they are doing. All in the same system.

Project calculations

Retendo Project supports the project manager and the finance administrator in the production of the project plan, proposals for staffing and a detailed budget.

A clear project plan

The project plan is produced by the project manager, preferably in collaboration with the project finance administrator, directly in the Retendo Project system.

Retendo Project projektplan

Both staff time and other project costs are shown in the same view, which provides an excellent overall picture.


Work and costs are divided into periods over the duration of the activity.

Summary of requested staffing and costs

Retendo Project enables the project manager to request staffing and costs for the project from the steering group, the project office or the management.

Retendo Project sammanstallning

Requested hours and costs are automatically taken from the project plan.


Different types of costs can be entered and divided into periods.


The yellow colour indicates that the staffing and costs have not yet been approved. The staffing is approved when the project receives funding.


The system distinguishes between planned, requested and staffed time and other costs. This is important in order to allow the project manager and steering group to keep track of the resources allocated to the project.

A clear overview of the project budget

Retendo Project enables a clear overview to be obtained of the budget for the project, per cost item and year, as well as of the funding sought for the project. The project is monitored against an adopted budget.

Retendo Project budget

The budget is created automatically on the basis of the planning, which is one advantage of having them both in the same system.


The same view also contains a summary of the funding sought for the project.


Prior to the approval of a research project, the management receives complete supporting data for the project and the individual employees see their proposed work task plans. An overview of all projects, including statuses and schedules, provides the management with insight into and control over the entire project process.

Complete review of the entire project

Retendo Project provides a complete picture of the entire project, including budgets, staffing and activity plans, all in the same system. The head of department can then go through the entire draft of the project and make any adjustments before the project is approved.

Retendo Project komplett genomgang

The employees’ work task plans

Retendo Project provides each employee with an excellent overview of all the research projects in which the person is intended to participate.

Retendo Project tjanstgoringsplan

The projects are shown among the person’ s other commitments for a clear overview of the person’s planned work.


The yellow fields indicate preliminary staffing and the green fields indicate confirmed staffing. The activity itself is shown in blue.

Where is the project in the process?

A summary of all projects, statuses and schedules provides management with excellent insight into and control over the entire project process.

Retendo Project Var i processen

All projects with For reconciliation status are shown here.


The status of each project in terms of time is shown.


The total budget, as well as staffed and requested hours, is also shown for each project.

Everything in the same system

The Retendo product family enables research projects (Retendo Project) to be integrated with workforce planning (Retendo Workforce). All the activities of the higher education institution, i.e. both research and educational activities, can thus be gathered together the same system. Both are then shown in the same view, which provides an excellent overview of the entire activity.

Retendo Project Allt i samma system

First-cycle education, with its programmes and courses, is shown here.


Research portfolios with all research projects are shown here.


Internal and external assignments are shown here.


The budget, staffing and requested hours per portfolio are shown for each row.


Retendo Project provides full support for implementation and monitoring of the project through functions for time reporting and certification, replanning and financial monitoring. Retendo Project is fully integrated with the finance system for monitoring other project costs.

Time reporting with certification

Retendo Project has functions for time reporting with certification for simple, seamless reporting of time spent in the various projects and a clear overview of the working week.

Retendo Project tidrapprotering

Retendo Project allows time reporting to take place in any place at any time. The system can be used on a computer, a mobile phone or a tablet and the employees themselves choose whether reporting takes place weekly or monthly. Employees also report absences such as holidays and illness for a complete overview and supporting data for salaries. You can enter internal and external notes in the system and both project managers and managers can certify the accounts in any order. Employees can receive reminders by email or text message when it is time to submit their timesheets or certify.

Integration with the finance system

Retendo Project can be integrated with the finance system of the higher education institution for greater efficiency.

  • Supplier invoices and other costs are posted in projects in the finance system and posted transactions are then regularly sent over to Retendo Project for efficient monitoring of the projects.
  • Thanks to the integration with the finance system, the finance administrator saves a great deal of time by not having to produce manual summaries and monitoring reports for projects.

Monitoring against an adopted budget

Retendo Project allows costs to be clearly monitored against an adopted budget.

Retendo Project uppfoljning

The budget is shown broken down into different cost categories.


The outcome for time worked comes from time reporting in Retendo Project or from the higher education institution’s finance system.


Up to October 2022, the outcome is shown here and from November 2022, the forecast for the project is shown.

Can replanning be accommodated within the budget?

The work takes longer than planned, employees fall ill – there are many reasons why planning and staffing in the project might have to be changed. In Retendo Project, it is a simple matter for the project manager to make the changes directly in the activity planning and obtain an immediate answer as to whether the new planning can be accommodated within the budget.

Retendo Project ryms omplanering

The new forecast for the project can be seen here.


The replanning leads to higher costs for employees, as shown here.


The budgeted result ends up at SEK -38,854. The change therefore cannot be accommodated in the budget unless other adjustments are made.


When the project must be reported on completion, Retendo Project generates reports for the project manager, the finance administrator and the financiers. The project’s financial reconciliation is thus simplified and streamlined.


Retendo Project is able to generate several different reports for financiers, project managers and finance administrators.

Retendo Project rapporter
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