You only pay for what you use

Complete cloud-based service

Free support

Free upgrades

High-quality security

Business Mini

For the smaller company that requires a simple system with the most basic functions.

110 SEK
per user per month
  • Time reporting
  • Regular hourly rate
  • Invoicing
  • Monitoring

    Expenses & payments
    Contract management
    Currency management
    Project management
    Utilisation management

Business Large

For the larger company that requires a comprehensive solution including project and resource management.

165 SEK
per user per month
  • Time reporting
  • Regular hourly rate
  • Invoicing
  • Monitoring
  • Expenses & payments
  • Contract management
  • Currency management
  • Project management
  • Utilisation management

Frequently asked questions

Do I need to choose the version now?

No, you can try it out for free for 30 days and then decide which version you want.

Do I need a credit card to try it out for 30 days?

No, we only request payment details if you decide to become a customer after the end of the trial period.

Do you offer volume discounts for larger companies?

Yes, we offer discounts for companies with more than 50 employees. Contact us for a quote.

What does the price include?

The price includes operation and maintenance, daily backups and technical support.

Are all the features included in the evaluation?

Yes, the system looks the same during the trial period as it does after, with all the features included. You’re free to test it and see which version suits you best.

What happens when the evaluation is over?

When the trial period ends, we’ll ask you if you’d like to become a customer. All your data will be saved until you’ve made up your mind.

What currency do you invoice in?

We invoice in SEK. Most banks can convert your local currency to SEK subject to the reservation that additional fees may apply.

Is there a minimum contract period?

It’s possible to choose the form of the contract, but our standard contracts are usually signed for 12, 24 or 36 months with a three-month notice period.

Link to: About Us